Day: August 19, 2023

Types of Substance Abuse Treatment in the Manhattan AreaTypes of Substance Abuse Treatment in the Manhattan Area


Drug misuse is dangerous for the individual struggling with addiction and often leads to many legal, health, family, work and social issues. It causes physical pain, emotional distress, psychological pain and mental health risks. The impact on those closest to the addict can be significant and cause great stress for loved ones. Fortunately there are programs available to help.

What is the treatment of mental disorders and substance abuse called?

The most common type of substance abuse treatment is psychotherapy. This can be done in a private psychologist’s office or more intensively at rehab centers or in residential programs. It may also involve group therapy sessions, family therapy and pharmacological intervention.

In the criminal justice system drug misuse treatment is a key part of the rehabilitative process. Treatment planning involves assessments of an offender’s current drug use, their underlying mental health needs and their willingness to change. This helps in determining the appropriate level of intervention and the best type of program for them. Check out

The 12-Step model for drug treatment is based on Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). This abstinence based program advocates regular meetings and connection with other members. It also teaches coping mechanisms and encourages self-help. There are alternatives to the 12 Steps, such as SMART which uses cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) but does not refer to a higher power or follow a disease model of addiction. This may be a good alternative for some people with religious or spiritual beliefs that conflict with the 12-Step model. A holistic approach to drug treatment that includes acupuncture, yoga and massage therapy can be helpful for some clients.