Day: July 13, 2024

Boxing NewsBoxing News

Boxing News ข้อมูลการเดิมพันวอลเลย์บอล is a weekly British magazine published by iD Sports Media. Launched in 1924, it is the oldest of its kind still in print. It began as a supplement to the newspaper Health & Strength, but in 1929 it became a stand-alone publication. It is Britain’s only independent weekly boxing magazine, and its editor has been John Murray since its inception.

The upcoming bout between Crawford and Spence has the potential to attract audiences from beyond the traditional boxing demographic. Both fighters are known for their engaging personalities, and they’re both talented enough to draw people to the sport from other areas of entertainment.

Behind the Scenes: Training Regimens of Top Boxers

The star of HBO’s new boxing series isn’t afraid to speak her mind in the ring or on social media. And she has a lot to say about what’s going on in the sweet science of boxing today.

Floyd Mayweather ‘Paid Extortionist’ Who ‘Broke A Couple Of Heads’ In Camp

Floyd Mayweather knows how to win inside the boxing ring, but he’s also learned when to cut his losses outside the ring. He paid a man whose extortion attempt almost cost him his life.

Sports Illustrated fired its entire staff of fight writers – or a great percentage of them, depending on your source. That should come as no surprise to anyone who has read SI over the years, but it will be a blow for this corner of fight writing.