Big Casters for Large Equipment
In the industrial world, casters support huge loads and are essential for maneuvering heavy equipment and machinery. They’re used on assembly turntables, dolly carts, heavy duty storage racks, tow lines, holding bins, and other material handling mechanisms.
They’re also often found on big casters engine stands and tow bars. Some are designed to carry tens of thousands of pounds, and they can withstand harsh handling conditions.
The Wheels Are the Biggest Thing to Know
How easily your equipment rolls around depends in part on how small its wheels are. A tiny wood chip, a pebble, or even a bit of litter on the floor can impede a smaller wheel’s progress.
Big Casters: How to Choose the Right Size for Your Application
That’s why you should always choose a wheel with a larger diameter than the load that you’re carrying. When you do, the load’s center of gravity will be lower, so it won’t tip.
For a sturdy stance, mount casters as far away from the center of the load as possible. Often you can improve balance and stability by attaching them to outriggers, as shown in Photo 4, below.
The Caster Mount Types That Fit Your Needs
Commonly, casters mount with either stems (Photo 1, above) or plates, as shown in Photos 2, 3, and 5. Stem-mount casters snap into a socket that’s the same size as the stem diameter. Plate-mount casters typically use four screws to hold them in place. The size and style of casters and mounting options depend on the kind of equipment you’re mobilizing, its weight, floor surface and other factors.